Jack Spaulding
'Foxy' Stillmore
Wing Lung
Koro Leon
Gale Morgan
Bruce Mitchell
Billy Budd - Auto Owner
The Indian Prince
Hassam Ali / Jim Baird, Reporter
Diana's Sweetheart
Lord Trevor
Lord Trevor
James Dacres
Jim Norton - Newspaper Reporter
Sir Henry
Little Dorrit's Father
The Actor
The Eagle
The Clerk
The Musician
John Strong, Mary's Fiancé
Micah / Joseph
The Father
Albert as an Older Man, Rose's Lover
Lord Alfred
The Little Boy Grown Up
Edith's Husband
Jack as an adult
Sir Percival Glyde
A Dying Bachelor
The Rich Father
Huldbrand, the Knight
The Father
Captain John Neil
The Convict / Lover
The working father
The Millionaire
The Arab
The Wealthy Young Clubman
The Daughter's Sweetheart
Archibald Carlyle
Dr. Jekyll, Mr. Hyde
Leo Vincey / Kallikrates
Joe Jackson
The Husband