Jack McGee

Jack McGee

Jack McGee

Jack McGee


Blue Call (2021)

Captain Lynch

Paint It Red (2018)

Detective McNutty

Father Figures (2017)

Kevin O'Callaghan

Moneyball (2011)

John Poloni

TRON: Legacy (2010)

Police Photographer

The Chosen One (2010)

Produce Manager

Marmaduke (2010)

Dalmatian (voice)

The International (2009)

Detective Bernie Ward

Open Season (2006)

Hunter (voice)

Crash (2005)

Gun Store Owner

Air Rage (2001)

John Simpson

Thirteen Days (2000)

Richard J. Daley

Very Mean Men (2000)

Jocko Mulroney

Gedo (2000)

Jackson Jones

Star Kid (1997)

Hank Bruntley

A Simple Wish (1997)

Officer O'York

Breakdown (1997)

Bartender at Belle's Diner

The Quest (1996)

Harry Smythe

Lethal Weapon 3 (1992)

Carpenter (uncredited)

Crash and Burn (1990)

Winston Wickett

Born on the Fourth of July (1989)

Democratic Delegate - Democratic Convention